Swings & Slide Options - Triumph Play Systems

Belt Swing

Green belt swing with Vinyl Dipped Chains attacted to a cedar swing set.



Trapeze swing with handles and Vinyl Dipped Chains.


Glider Swing

Plastic two child glider swing with Vinyl Dipped Chains.

Infant Swing

Green and yellow plastic infant swing with rope.


Bucket Swing

Baby swing with Vinyl Dipped Chains attacted to a cedar swing set.


Toddler Swing

Toddler swing with Vinyl Dipped Chains attacted to a cedar swing set.


Tire Swing with Swivel

360 degree tire swing under a swing set fort.

Unavailable for shipping

Tire Swing

Tire swing with Vinyl Dipped Chains attacted to a cedar swing set beam.

Unavailable for shipping

Wave Slide

Green double walled rotomoled slide for wooden swing sets.

The 10 foot wave slide comes standard on all Classic Series swing sets. This double walled rotomolded slide accommodates a 5 foot deck height and is available in green or blue. Not available for individual sale.

10 Foot Scoop Slide

10 foot long scoop slide for wooden swing sets or playsets.

The 10 foot scoop slide comes standard on all Majestic and Canterbury play sets and is an upgrade to the 10 foot wave slide. It is available in green or blue. Not available for individual sale.

12 Foot Scoop Slide

12 foot long scoop slide for wooden swing sets or playsets..

The 12 foot scoop slide comes standard on Bailey and Kelton boosted swing sets. It is designed for a 6 foot deck height. It is available in green or blue. Not available for individual sale.

Twist Slide

7 Foot deck height 360 degree tube slide for wooden swing sets or playsets.

This heavy duty tube slide is available for 7 foot deck heights (deluxe levels and towers). Choose between green or blue. Not available for individual sale.

Twist Slide Boosted

8 foot deck height 360 degree tube slide for wooden swing sets or playsets.

The same as the twist slide only an additional section has been added to accommodate boosted towers. Green or Blue. Not available for individual sale.

* Slides are not available for individual sale.